Richard Smoley リチャード・スモーリー ハーバード大学とオックスフォード大学で教育を受け、受賞歴のある西洋の精神的伝統に関する学術誌『グノーシス』の編集者を務めた。ジェイ・キニーとの共著に『Hidden Wisdom』がある: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions』の共著者であり、『Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition』、『The Essential Nostradamus』の著者。
Jay Kinny ジェイ・キニーは『Hidden Wisdom』の共著者: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions』の共著者。15年にわたり、秘教的伝統とスピリチュアルな道を扱う一流誌『グノーシス』の発行人兼編集長を務めた。また、キニーはカリフォルニアのミル・バレー・ロッジ356号とミッション・ロッジ169号F&AMの会員であり、ヨーク律会の会員、スコティッシュ・ライトの32KCCHでもある。カリフォルニア・メーソン・シンポジウムで2度講演し、優秀なメーソン研究に贈られるアルバート・G・マッキー賞を受賞。サンフランシスコ・スコティッシュ・ライトの司書兼リサーチ・ディレクターとして、フリーメーソンリー内に幅広い人脈を持ち、このテーマに関する多くの一般的な著述家が避けてきた多くの資料やメーソンの記録にアクセスできる。
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Gnosis #39 (Spring '96) East Meets West
Includes Guru lowdown, Advaita and Western Seekers, interviews with the Big Kahuna and Tarthang Tulku, Quakers and Buddhists, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Pagan Dharma, Peter Lamborn Wilson on pilgrimages, more.
"Ultimately there is no world, no people, and no other beings as such; One Infinite Being dances in the guise of all these figures."
- Ati Akarta, from Nonduality and Western Seekers
News & Notes
Including a quest for a lost mystical land, Jewish mysticism & UFOS, and a CD-ROM and Tarot decks by GNOSIS contributors.
Introduction: The Real and the Unreal
by Richard Smoley
East and West differ not only on what's important, but on what's real.
Nonduality and Western Seekers
by Ati Akarta (Igor Kungurtsev)
How has the Hindu tradition of Advaita Vedanta fared in the West?
Eastern Lingo for Westerners
by Richard Smoley
A brief glossary of some common terms in Eastern spirituality.
Face to Face: Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship
by Ihla F. Nation
Do you need to study with a guru? If so, how can you avoid being victimized?
The Big Kahuna: An Interview with Papa Auwae
by Tom DeMoss
The head kahuna of Hawaii talks about spirits, healing, and his path.
The Caravan of Summer
by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Does the Sufi way of pilgrimage offer an alternative to the vulgarity of tourism?
Time, Space, Knowledge: An Interview with Tarthang Tulku
The renowned Tibetan lama discusses how to open up ordinary experience.
Friends of Friends
by Rhoda R. Gilman
Quakers have been teaching Buddhists about social action and learning meditation in return.
Pagan Dharma
by Sam Webster
If you mix Pagan practices with Buddhist compassion, what do you get? The Tibetans found out long ago.
Art, Love, and Tradition: The Wisdom of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
by Paul Hurley
Early in this century, this influential thinker helped restore Western esteem for India.
Book Reviews
Towards a Meaningful Life: The Wisdom of the Rebbe Meachem Mendel Schneerson, adapted by Simon Jacobson
Jewish View of the Afterlife by Simcha Paull Raphael
Fundamental Symbols: The Universal Language of Sacred Science by Rene Guenon
The Teachings of Kebzeh: Essentials of Sufism from the Caucasus Mountains by Murat Yagan
The Great Year: Astrology, Millenarianism, and History in the Western Tradition by Nicholas Campion
Never Again the Burning Times: Paganism Revived by Loretta Orion
Living Witchcraft: A Contemporary American Coven by Allen Scarboro
Struggle of the Magicians: Why Uspenskii Left Gurdjieff by William Patrick Patterson
In Search of the Birth of Jesus: The Real Journey of the Magi by Paul William Roberts